T E R R A - C O T T A H O U S E
Silchester Park, Glenageary, Dublin
Highly Commended - RIAI Irish Architecture Awards 2014
Commended - Opus Awards 2013
The project involves the refurbishment and extension of a 1950s semi-detached house in Glenageary. The ground floor rear wall is removed to open the house to the south-facing garden. A series of cranked and faceted walls are made that enclose a new dining area and associated external terraces. The angled walls create deep thresholds between inside and outside and make niches for benches. The materials are blockwork, concrete, render and terra-cotta tiles. The roof of the extension is covered in sedum to have a visual connection with the garden when viewed from the upper floor.
This project was also exhibited as part of Describing Architecture Exhibition 2012.
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Photography by Alice Clancy